Here’s a brief recap from Scott Vander Hyden, Bellevue Project Manager, on Meydenbauer Beach Park construction highlights:
- Installation of granite retaining wall terraces will begin next week. The work will continue into the summer, followed by final landscaping of the waterfront, natural areas, and ravine.
- Exterior and interior finish work on the beach house will continue.
- Lake Washington Boulevard utility work is now complete with fully functional street lights. A sidewalk on the south side of the street adjacent to the Park will be paved in the coming weeks with intermittent lane closures to continue along Lake Washington Boulevard.
- Work along 99th Avenue continues including widening the road to accommodate diagonal parking and a vehicle load-unload area.
- The 99th street end — once a steep slope leading down to Lake Washington — is being terraced. This reconfigured area will improve accessibility into park and waterfront.
Please feel free to contact Scott (425-452-4169 [email protected]) with questions or concerns.
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