Protecting the Future
of the Bay
of the Bay
Meydenbauer Bay.
Beautiful. Serene. Active. Fun.
The ideal place to work, live, and play.
Let’s keep it that way.

The neighborhood surrounding beautiful Meydenbauer Bay in Bellevue reaches from the hills of Shoreland Drive, parts of Enatai, around Meydenbauer Bay including the uplands, all the way to Groat Point in Medina – making the MBNA (Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association) one of the largest neighborhood advocacy groups in Bellevue. Given the proximity to downtown Bellevue and growing public parks, the neighborhoods around Meydenbauer Bay are also among those experiencing the fastest growth.
The mission of the MBNA is to ensure our neighborhood remains safe and clean for all our residents, and we have worked to keep access roads open around our neighborhood, reducing unnecessary traffic congestion. The City of Bellevue continues to see rapid growth, and the MBNA has worked in close partnership with the Bellevue City Council and non-elected officials to advocate for issues affecting our neighborhood.
Our Vision is simple:
MBNA is Protecting the Future of the Bay
Meydenbauer Bay.
Beautiful. Serene. Active. Fun.
The ideal place to work, live, and play.
Let’s keep it that way.