MBNA Neighbors – from our families to yours, the warmest of holiday greetings. Your MBNA Board wishes you all a safe, happy and relaxing holiday season.
There’s been some progress on the Meydenbauer Bay Park. The city has hired Robin Cole, who was involved in the initial park planning dating back to 2007, to be the contract administrator for the new park construction. The city is asking for proposals from prospective design firms for final design work on phase one of the park, which will start in 2014. We are monitoring this closely with our MBNA attorney, Charlie Klinge, to ensure provisions of the park master plan are followed, along with the implementation principles adopted by the city, when the plan was finalized. See an excerpt from our MBNA attorney’s recent letter to the City Park planners as an example of the MBNA representing the interests of Meydenbauer Bay area residents whether along the waterfront, in the uplands, or the condos around the bay.
As some of you may have seen, the City has almost completed the 14 boat temporary visitor moorage at their dock # 3 at the foot of 100th. The plan is for this to be open soon, and will include temporary portable toilet facilities for use of visiting boaters. There will be a time limited stay of probably 4 hours, and the facility will close at 9pm daily. During the season, the city will have a park ranger or other attendant on duty at this location, to greet visitors, control activity, and provide security. They will have back up from Bellevue Police as necessary.
We need your support
Though we are volunteer-led, MBNA has spent over $150,000 in legal fees to Protect the Future of the Bay, and anticipate more as the Park implementation progresses.. We operate strictly on donations and ask you to consider a year-end tax deductible donation to the MBNA. Donate at https://www.mbnabellevue.com/donate. If donating by check send to:
227 Bellevue Way NE, PMB 278
Bellevue WA 98004
Thank you for your continued support and again, the very happiest holidays to each of you.
Ray Waldmann