Recently at least one of our neighbors on the bay experienced uninvited visitors mooring at their private dock and then disembarking to trespass onto the owner’s private property. We want to make sure homeowners and visitors alike have the opportunity to enjoy the Bay but that homeowner’s private property is respected. Consider posting “No Trespassing” signs (like this one from Amazon) to remind boaters that your dock is private and that they would be trespassing on private property if they moored. If you do experience someone trespassing, capture the boat description and hull registration, and call 911. You can also suggest that they use the free visitor moorage located between piers 2 and 3 at Bellevue Marina if you feel comfortable doing so. |®ion=US&placement=B00IRKOEBQ&asins=B00IRKOEBQ&linkId=MZJSBRTWFSPYNY7K&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true |
MBNA and Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club representatives recently met with Bellevue, Mercer Island and Medina police, marine patrol, and park officials to discuss crime around the bay and polices responses. The police urged calling 911 even for non-threatening situations so they have a better record of incidents as well as being able to respond in a timely fashion. They also recommend keeping valuables on boats and in cars out of sight, keeping boat curtains or blinds open so neighbors and police can see if intruders on board, and documenting any intrusions with high definition photos or surveillance cameras. They also state that posting No Trespassing signs will help them charge trespassers.
Lets all enjoy our beautiful Bay and keep it a safe and fun place for both homeowners and visiting boaters to appreciate.