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NY 11216

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Traffic congestion continues to be a big problem for Bellevue communities. One street that directly impacts the flow from the neighborhoods surrounding Meydenbauer Bay is Bellevue Way. In response to increased traffic along Bellevue Way, the City is exploring options to build a new southbound Bellevue Way HOV lane to increase capacity and improve transit speed and reliability.

To gather additional public input, an open house is coming up on Thursday, January 19 from 5 to 7PM at City Hall. This open house will present two different roadway width concepts and two phasing options for the length of the project. 

According to the City’s announcement, however, at a previous open house “participants supported improvements to traffic flow, but strongly opposed private property impacts. Many also questioned the need for the project, noting that the impacts likely outweigh the potential benefits.” See

If you would like to learn more about the project, share your opinions and talk with the project staff, please join members of the Board of the Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association at this open house on January 19.