Greetings from the MBNA! Please forward this important information to your neighbors. Subscribe for important neighborhood updates, stay informed, and keep Meydenbauer Bay beautiful!
Meydenbauer Bay Park Phase II and Bellevue Park Department:
The Berger Design Team has been working on the designs for the Phase II expansion of Meydenbauer Bay Park for several months. We encourage all residents around Meydenbauer Bay to get involved, and follow the proposed expansion project. Make sure your voice and concerns are heard.
The park expansion project is complicated, dealing with the waterfront, moorage, parking, traffic, utilities, and joining Phase I and Phase II.
On Monday, June 10, 2024 there is a City of Bellevue Parks Department meeting for all interested parties to view preliminary design alternatives and make comments or suggestions.
When: June 10, 2024
Where: WISC Building (adjacent to the Bellevue Botanical Garden) 12241 Main Street, Bellevue WA
Time: 6:00pm
This meeting is open to the public, and all are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Opening Day of Boating Season:
Opening Day this year is May 4, 2024. There will be increased activity in Meydenbauer Bay as visiting Yacht Club members come to visit Meydenbauer Yacht Club. There will be increased traffic, noise, buses, etc. Opening Day commemorates the day in 1917 over 100 years ago when the Montlake Cut was opened and boat and commercial traffic started flowing between Puget Sound and Lake Washington.
Milfoil Treatment:
Meydenbauer Bay and many shallow areas of Lake Washington have growths of Brazilian Elodea and Eurasian milfoil. The MBNA together with the City of Bellevue, Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club, and several of the large condominium complexes arrange to have these non-native plants treated each year under a permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology. This treatment by Aquatechnex will be completed after the hatching of salmon fingerlings on or about July 15, 2024. The product being used is Diquat. Waterfront residents living on the Bay wishing to have their waterfront treated should contact Betty Mastropaolo at [email protected] We encourage you to schedule your milfoil treatment prior to May 15, 2024 to ensure your property gets scheduled for service.
Meydenbauer Creek Contamination:
On April 10, 2024 the east end of Meydenbauer Bay turned bright green. This situation appeared to be caused by a foreign substance poured or spilled into the creek. The MBNA reported the situation to the City of Bellevue Storm Water Department. Three investigators were dispatched; however, they could not identify the source or makeup of the contamination. Fortunately, the substance dissipated quickly and was gone in three to four hours.
Police and Fire Issues on the Bay:
As many of you know, Meydenbauer Bay is patrolled by the Mercer Island Marine Patrol under contract with the City of Bellevue. They will be enforcing speed, wake, noise, and other safety regulations on the Bay. Learn more about Mercer Island Marine Patrol at For issues on the lake, you can contact them directly at 206-275-7953, or you can always dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Visitor Moorage at Meydenbauer Bay:
Did you know that there is a City of Bellevue Visitor Dock at the bottom of 100th Street? There are free slips available for about a dozen 18-24’ boats. This is a good spot to pick up and drop off guests, or to tie up briefly while you walk up to Main Street for a meal. Restroom facilities are available.
The BellHop:
Visiting Meydenbauer Park? Try getting there by using the BellHop – the free electric powered shuttle sponsored by the City of Bellevue. You can learn about the BellHop, and download the App to arrange rides, by visiting:
MBYC Sailing:
Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club begins its annual Youth Sailing Program with the Sailing Team starting in early May, and the regular sailing classes begin on June 1, 2024. Expect to see the Bay covered with small sailboats very soon.