Happy New Year Meydenbauer Bay Residents! Thank you for reading and keeping up to date about happenings in our neighborhood. Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors so we can continue to work together for the health, safety, and prosperity of Meydenbauer Bay.
At last, we can report progress with Phase II of the Meydenbauer Bay Park. On December 5, 2023, the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club sponsored a first meeting with the stakeholders. This included The City of Bellevue Park Dept., The Berger Design Group, Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Assn., and the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club. A total of about 24 people. As we went from group to group, each had an opportunity to express items and issues important to them. MBNA has had several short follow up meetings with the Park Dept. to clarify a few points.
Over the next few months, there will be further opportunities to meet, and in probably April or May there will be a City Park Dept Outreach presentation at City Hall where the public will get an opportunity to view 3 proposed designs, and comment on them. This will lead to the selection of one of them as the “Preferred Alternative”., and then a final design will be created. Possibly with a few suggested modifications. This will then be submitted to the City Council for approval. Permits will then be applied for. The permitting process is expected to take the better part of two years. This lengthy process is necessary due to the waterfront location, and the number of agencies who are part of the approval process. This includes The City of Bellevue, King County, State of Washington fish and wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, Muckelshoot Indians, and a few others. Once approval has been received, construction will start, and is expected to take another year.
We are sure it will be worth waiting for and can be enjoyed by all.
Rod Bindon, President
Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors
MBNA Featured in Greet Magazine