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NY 11216

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Learn About Meydenbauer Bay Park Expansion Plans

The Parks & Community Services Department will share prospective designs for the expansion of Meydenbauer Bay Park at a webinar Thursday, Nov. 7, 6-7:30 p.m. on Zoom. There will be a question-and-answer session with the design team following the presentation.

To participate in the meeting, visit

The City of Bellevue will conduct an online survey requesting feedback from the community starting November 7. We will post updates about how you can participate once the survey is released.

Meydenbauer Bay Marina: New Dockmaster

Mike Robinson is the new Dockmaster of the Meydenbauer Bay Marina, responsible for overseeing the pier and surrounding area within Meydenbauer Bay Park. The City of Bellevue also announced that overnight security will be patrolling the Park and Marina. If you see any suspicious behavior around the Marina or Park, please call 911 or contact Mike Robinson at 206-679-3322.