Scott VanderHyden, the project manager for Phase 1 of the Meydenbauer Bay Beach Park, has provided a few more details about the park’s construction. These augment the information we distributed in our last email to Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association members.
Members of the MBNA Board have walked the site with bidders, met with City Park staff including Patrick Foran, the Park Director, and met several times with the on-site Supervisor of IMCO, the contractor for both the sewer replacement project and Phase 1 of the Meydenbauer Bay Waterfront Park.
On Tuesday, January 24, the city hosted an orientation to Phase 1 of the new waterfront park for contractors bidding on its construction. Peter Hummel of Anchor QEA, the park designer, described the major features of Phase 1 and mentioned the importance of contractors being sensitive to the surrounding residential neighborhood. Three members of the MBNA Board were the only members of the public present.
Traffic congestion continues to be a big problem for Bellevue communities. One street that directly impacts the flow from the neighborhoods surrounding Meydenbauer Bay is Bellevue Way. In response to increased traffic along Bellevue Way, the City is exploring options to build a new southbound Bellevue Way HOV lane to increase capacity and improve transit speed and reliability.
Seasons greetings from your MBNA board of directors. As we end 2016, we would like to give you an update on matters concerning our Meydenbauer Bay Neighborhood. The long awaited sewer replacement along the North edge of the bay is now scheduled to begin in January.
The city will begin work in January 2017 on the first segment of the sewer rehabilitation project. The area affected by this work is the south end of 100th Avenue adjacent to the lake, and eastward through the Marina parking lot.
The City is working with Ohno Construction to start the construction on both the Complete the Circle and Inspiration Playground projects on July 11. Construction is anticipated to be complete in June 2017.
The MBNA is again inviting Meydenbauer Bay waterfront owners to participate in the annual milfoil treatment.
On April 14, 2016 a public hearing was held at City Hall, before an independent hearing examiner, to review the City’s application for the park permits. The Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association (MBNA) was considered a party to the proceedings, giving us the right to provide briefs and witnesses and to cross-examine city staff witnesses….
A major milestone in the progress on the Meydenbauer Bay Park has been reached–Bellevue has released the Staff Report on the park’s environmental aspects. This is a necessary step under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) before permits can be issued and before construction can start in 2017.