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NY 11216

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On January 16th, the City of Bellevue kicked off the formation of a new downtown residents neighbors association.  The City wants downtown residents to have a forum to discuss noise, traffic, security, park development, pedestrian access, and similar issues.  

Four MBNA board members attended this meeting because of our shared interests.  We greeted newly elected Mayor Claudia Balducci, three other city council members, and numerous city officials who were in attendance.  City officials singled out MBNA as a good example of a successful neighborhood association.

At the meeting we learned:

* There will be a city-sponsored training program for new neighborhood associations starting this April.

* The nearly completed visitor docks at the Meydenbauer Bay city moorage will open to the public this spring, with an attendant on duty weekends to ensure noise and usage rules are followed.

* Also this spring, the two-year sewer replacement project on the north side of Meydenbauer Bay will get underway, starting at the foot of 100th Ave., moving West to the foot of 99th, and eventually crossing the Meydenbauer Park and private properties before ending at Clyde Beach.

* In July of 2015, work will start on the Downtown Park, including adding the missing segment of the circle, increasing parking accessed from 100th Ave., and with financial support from the Bellevue Rotary, enlarging the children’s play area.

* The city will be removing four more houses from the Meydenbauer Park property, in preparation for starting phase one of the Meydenbauer Park plan in 2017; the city marina docks are expected to remain as they are for a number of years.

Also, thanks to many of you for your generous donations in helping us Protect the Future of the Bay.  We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us and need your support.  Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help us secure a vibrant Bay for generations to come.  Donate at  If donating by check send to:

227 Bellevue Way NE, PMB 278
Bellevue WA 98004


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    • By
      April 9, 2021

      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

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