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670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

It’s not too late for single family waterfront homeowners to sign up for milfoil treatment  this year. Payment of $350 and a signed Treatment Form needs to be received by July 10th. If you still want to participate, email Betty Mastropaolo, [email protected]


Single-family waterfront homeowners who live on or have a dock on Meydenbauer Bay are invited to participate in the MBNA Annual Milfoil Treatment Program.

In 2021, the MBNA received a 5-year permit with the Washington State Dept. of Ecology for Northwest Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc. to treat the Bay to improve water quality. Last year 36 households participated in our program.  Organizations who also treated for milfoil included the City of Bellevue Parks Dept., the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club, 101 Meydenbauer, Bayshore East COA, and a waterfront apartment building.

Eurasian milfoil and Brazilian elodea are invasive aquatic weeds and during warm weather, both noxious weeds grow quickly and get tangled in boat propellors. They grow so dense that it can be difficult to kayak, paddleboard, swim, or fish. The treatment is effective against both weeds so will improve the quality of water in front of your property.

If you are interested in learning more about this program or wish to participate, please email Betty Mastropaolo, [email protected]. The cost is $350, which includes the cost of the Washington State Dept. of Ecology Permit, the treatment by Northwest Aquatic Eco-Systems and a small donation to the MBNA,  and is due by July 10th.  

To learn more about State law and the Department of Ecology program go to:

The MBNA is a 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation. Our mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of Meydenbauer Bay. As we approach the planning, design, and eventual construction of Phase II of the park, it is anticipated that we will be hiring consultants in the areas of Traffic, Parking, Design, and Legal. Donations can be made using Paypal or mail check to:

1100 Bellevue Way NE, Ste 8A
Box 278
Bellevue, WA 98004