The Berger Design Team has been working on the designs for the Phase II expansion of Meydenbauer Bay Park for several months. We encourage all residents around Meydenbauer Bay to get involved, and follow the proposed expansion project. Make sure your voice and concerns are heard.
The Bellevue City Council Transportation Commission will consider options for bike lane expansions at this Thursday’s City Council Meeting. This meeting is open to the public, and your voice should be heard.
The City of Bellevue has plans to expand Meydenbauer Bay Park. Expanding the park will have an impact on our neighborhood by increasing traffic, possibly disrupting road access, and potentially creating more public safety issues. If you have questions or concerns, please make sure your voice is heard.
Greetings from the MBNA! Please forward this important information to your neighbors. Subscribe for important neighborhood updates, stay informed, and keep Meydenbauer Bay beautiful!
Happy New Year Meydenbauer Bay Residents! Thank you for reading and keeping up to date about happenings in our neighborhood. Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors so we can continue to work together for the health, safety, and prosperity of Meydenbauer Bay…
The Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association is hosting its 5th Candidate Forum on October 12, 2023. The election is this November, this is your opportunity to learn about the candidates running to govern the City of Bellevue…
The Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association was informed late last night that the anticipated treatment has been rescheduled to July 25th, 2023 because of scheduling conflicts by our Applicator, Northwest Aquatics Eco Systems.
We are in touch with the City of Bellevue Park Department and are waiting to hear about the first meeting with the design team from Berger & Associates. The MBNA will have a seat at the table when this process starts.
As you can see, the milfoil in the Bay is particularly thick this year. Each year, the MBNA, together with the City of Bellevue, Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club, the Condominium Homeowners Associations around the Bay
Happy Fourth of July Meydenbauer Bay Neighbors Association: There is a lot going on around the Bay that we want you to know about. Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club Spring Lunch: On June 8th, MBYC…